Curtin University – Chilled water & heated water piping upgrad
Chilled water & heated water piping upgrade and B310 Level 1 laboratory A/C upgrade
Builder : W Fairweather & Son Pty Ltd
Project Manager: RPS Project Management
This $2.1 million project was completed in March 2019 and comprised three separate CHW & HW Pipe Upgrade sub-projects to replace end of life mechanical services infrastructure at Curtin University. In undertaking the Chilled and Heating Water (CHW & HHW) Pipe Upgrade Program 2018/19, Curtin University fulfilled a strategic commitment to maintain the high quality of its facilities provision at Bentley Campus, whilst striving towards achievement of its masterplan for urban renewal within Bentley.
Works were undertaken at the following locations:
Separable Portion (SP) 1 – B208, B209, B210 & B211
An ageing section of chilled and heating water pipework was identified that required upgrade and rationalisation between buildings B208 TV Studio, B209, B210 & B211. The pipework had an increasing rate of leaks which appeared to result from;
- General standard of pipework installation and arrangements being substandard;
- HW steel pipe corrosion and workmanship indicating that it is due for EOL replacement;
- CHW pipe material was substandard, white PVC of unknown class, purpose manufactured fittings and poor workmanship;
- B208 & B209 isolation valves buried in ground with no Any issues requiring isolation to repair or work within connected buildings involved digging up the area to find the valves.
Separable Portion (SP) 2 – B310
B310 Level 1 Laboratory required an air conditioning upgrade from evaporative cooling to chilled and heating water systems. Preliminary calculations revealed that the existing mains to B310 which was fed from B308 would be undersized and unable to accommodate the increased flow demand for the Laboratory’s new systems. Both chilled and heating water lines required upgrade. The pipework from the in-ground ring main into B308 was deemed adequate.
The chilled and heating water for B310 was fed via the roof space of B308 and across via a connecting walkway. The upgrade of the pipework from B308 to B310 was via a separate project with the work completed prior to B310 AC upgrade works commencement.
Separable Portion (SP) 3 – B310 Level1 Laboratory A/C Upgrade
B310 Level 1 Laboratory, Room 103A & B had been identified as having major issues with occupant comfort and in some cases condensation on walls and floors. The project was to replace the existing evaporative cooling (with HW coil heating) to chilled/heating water systems and upgrade ventilation systems associated with these rooms.
The key objectives of the Project were to:
Separable Portion 1 – B208, B209, B210 & B211
- Improve chilled and heating water delivery to B208 TV Studio, B209, B210 & B211 and provide continuity of supply;
- Mitigate ongoing maintenance attendance to pipework leaks, that impact on B208 TV Studio, B209, B210, B211 & B310;
- Improve on pipe systems pressure & velocity head losses to improve water delivery;
- Provide B208, B209, B210 & B211 with continuity of chilled and heating water supply into the future; and
- Improve continuity of chilled and heating water supply to B210 and
Separable Portion 2 – B310
- To upgrade pipework to provide chilled and heating water supply for a laboratory air conditioning upgrade.
Separable Portion 3 – B310 Level 1 Laboratory A/C Upgrade
- Improve student and staff working conditions, by improving the space comfort conditions with temperature and humidity control within the Lab.; and
- Address existing shortfalls in air conditioning and ventilation to the
The works associated with the Project (Works) Separable Portion 1, 2 & 3 included both ‘Design Advice’ and ‘Construction Works’.
Builder : W Fairweather & Son Pty Ltd
Project Manager: RPS Project Management
- Date: April 2019
- Category: Education Projects, Our Work